Safe Snow Shovelling

As a Massage Therapist, I see many back, shoulder & neck injuries in the winter from improper snow shovelling.
That can be because we use too much upper body strength, take too much snow on the shovel at once, or, shovel incorrectly.

Shovelling snow is exercise, as, when you go to the gym, run or swim. There's a routine you follow, that allows you to get the max from your work-out, with the least chance of injury, and, to protect your heart.
Consider shovelling snow a full-body work-out, with added weights to your arms. Only add as much "weight" - snow- to the shovel as you can, without tiring or straining your body, especially if you have a lot of space to cover.

Be sure to use your lower body, glute and quad muscles, to bend and lift. Try not to stoop over. Keep the shovel close to your body, as, lifting "from a distance" puts more strain & tension on muscles and joints.
If you have to throw the snow to the side, be extra careful with the amount of snow on the shovel, and, do switch up hand positions on the shovel, and, the side to which you throw the snow, to balance the work.

Here's one of the toughest. As we TRY NOT to rush our workouts, let's do the same when we shovel.

Remember, if you injure yourself shoveling, you can't workout either!

These are few safety tips and ideas. there are lots more, like, how to dress, eat.

Please contribute for the sake of our readers safety and good health.

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