Massage for Mesothelioma Cancer Patients

We are happy that this blog is being read in other parts of the world. *We offer information on the affects of Massage Therapy, and other, alternative/complimentary health care options to 'mainstream' ears. Our aim is to inform, and educate, as to their focus, and availability.

When we are faced with the sudden diagnosis of a serious illness in a loved-one, or ourselves, we often become overwhelmed while looking for answers and treatments, to cure, or prevent, further damage. There are so many routes to take, and, so much information, in desperation, we sometimes choose the wrong one, or, one that we have found the most information on. Even when we are choosing the best preventative care plan for ourselves, the flood of information, can be too confusing, and, sometimes, we end up doing nothing!

I recently received a letter from 'The Mesothelioma Center' @ Here is their article regarding alternative medicine, Including Massage Therapy, and their benefits for mesothelioma cancer patients.

We thank them, and author *Faith Franz, for their contribution.

Guest Post

Alternative Medicine and Massage for Cancer Treatment

Thanks to the rising popularity of alternative cancer treatments, many cancer patients are visiting massage therapists as part of their treatment. 
While some holistic methods are still viewed as unreliable, even major medical associations are embracing the use of massage as a palliative cancer therapy. Although massage is not a treatment that has the potential to cure cancer, it can be very effective at relieving certain cancer symptoms. 
The American Cancer Society endorses massage as a way to relieve stress, anxiety and pain in cancer patients. Some studies also suggest that massage can be used to reduce fatigue, swelling and mild depression. 
Massage for a patient with a disease such as mesothelioma is different from massage for a healthy individual. Oncology massage tailors the basic techniques of traditional massage to the unique needs of a cancer patient. It is less physical than traditional massage and offers more of a focus on healing energy. The unique approach helps patients obtain both physical and mental benefits from the massage session.   
An oncology massage therapist has been trained to take special precautions with cancer patients. They customize their massage to avoid stimulating the tumors or agitating areas of the body that have been treated with radiation. This helps reduce the likelihood of post-massage soreness or bruising. Aside from those mild and easily avoidable conditions, massage therapy generally does not cause any side effects.
Other Complementary Cancer Treatments 
Patients with an aggressive cancer such as mesothelioma often combine massage with several additional alternative and traditional treatments. Some of the other therapies that are used alongside massage include:
  • Acupuncture
  • Chiropractic care
  • Aromatherapy
  • Mind-body therapies (i.e. yoga or meditation)
Integrative approaches – where alternative medicine and traditional medicine are both used to treat a cancer – are often suggested by the patient’s oncologist. The low complication rate of alternative therapies makes them a desirable way to address the side effects of more risky treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy or surgery. 
To create a comprehensive therapy plan that incorporates massage and other alternative therapies, simply discuss your interest in these methods with your oncologist. Since 2003, the number of in-hospital massage programs has been on the rise, and hospitals without a designated program may have a referral to an oncology massage therapist in your area.

*Author bio: Faith Franz is a writer for the Mesothelioma Center. She combines her interests in whole-body health and medical research to educate the mesothelioma community about the newest developments in cancer care.

**Please read for info & education. BUT, if you have been diagnosed with these conditions, (or know someone) who has, ALWAYS seek the advise of a health care professional before starting these treatments on your own.

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